Curated by Jacqui Mills and Bailee Lobb

On the last night of darkness, as daylight savings comes to an end, experience IN MOTION: RHYTHM. From 6 - 9pm, October 6th at Junction Street, Marrickville will be transformed into a colourful and eclectic art space filled with light and video installations, kinetic sculptures, and performance art. This festival kicks off a three-week exhibition at AIRspace Projects that showcases a diverse and inclusive range of artists curated by Jacqui Mills, and Bailee Lobb.

Join us in experiencing exciting new kinetic works from Melbourne artists who explore the alien nature of machines and identities. Ara Dolation’s sculptural work sits at the intersection of nature, biology and technology, examining the difference between human and nonhuman forms. The bizarre machines that Moonis Ahmed creates critique the archiving and cataloguing of human experience through the fictional additions they make to existing data. 

For those looking to get involved in the art, In Motion is the place to be! You can experience an intimate glittery silent disco with the enigmatic Kieran Butler, or you can get up close and personal with Lucas Christian in a hilarious yet awkward live chat scenario in which you are also his masseuse. Participants can also step into an immersive unwater environment in Michelle Kelly’s colourful multimedia installation Haunted Reef. You might need to stand back during Amy Claire Isobel’s performance of The Diet Feminist or you might just get splashed with diet coke as she continuously consumes and regurgitates the liquid gold that brings joy to so many.

The sweetness and consumption will continue on into the night with Show Us Your Teeth creating a dazzling display while gorging themselves on fruit. Be the first to see this, and other incredible artworks like Celine Cheung’s experimental work 7 Minutes in Heaven, where she performs romantic acts on a sculptural composite face created by 3D modelling a selection of her past-flames faces.  Indulge your inner voyeur as you watch Ondine Manfrin embody The Lodger scrutinising somebody else’s home and life in a new collaboration with Allan Giddy. John Gillies live drums the visual rhythms of the festival while Nicki Brancatisano’s colourful large-scale animations explode across the facade of AIRspace Projects.

In Motion is supported by Creative Partnerships Australia through the Australian Cultural Fund.